Time Management Improvement Tips for 2016

Get more of the right work done with less stress all the time

Fallbrook, CA, February 19, 2016 --(PR.com)-- Early in the year, after the holiday festivities have subsided, is a perfect time to invest in improving your skills to work smarter-not harder and get more of the right work done in less time with less stress from wherever you are.

According to Lynn Sherman, President of PEPworldwide-US, “Our Time Management Tips are proven, yet common sense techniques that are implementable and sustainable. One has to stick with them in order for them to become everyday habits and routines. Changing your behavior is what it takes. It’s an investment of your time and energy that can transform your work process.

"For the past decade we have surveyed our global partners and clients to learn what they consider the best Time Management Tips they have identified throughout the past year.”

PEPworldwide’s 2016 TOP 12 Time Management Improvement Tips are:

1. PEP®’s 60/50™ Meeting Rule. 60-minute meetings will last only 50 minutes. 30-minute meetings will last only 20 minutes. 60/50™ can save 3.5± weeks of time per year. (United States)
2. Before the end of your work day make a plan for tomorrow identifying your most important tasks/projects and key objectives. (Norway)
3. No Scroll Bar in your Inbox at the end of the work day. (United States)
4. Have a day of rest after the work week when you take a break from electronic messaging, even for an evening, and enjoy in gratitude and restfulness the good things in your life. (United States)
5. When writing an email “wear the shoes” of the receiver and have a clear Subject Line. (Switzerland)
6. Set your system to open in Calendar mode first, not email. (Luxembourg & Poland)
7. Rotate taking and distributing meeting notes and follow-up actions among team members. (United States)
8. Slow down! Make time to plan and think. It leads to a more fluid approach to work activity. (New Zealand)
9. Identify when you are most productive during the day, have the best focus, energy and attention¾ then plan your priorities and activities at this time. (Australia, Sweden & Denmark)
10. Get more rest – go to sleep an hour earlier. (Kerry Gleeson – Founder of PEP®)
11. Do the Worst Thing First every day and enjoy the feeling of not procrastinating. (PEPworldwide)
12. Do not Multitask— It Wastes your Time, Decreases Focus & Creates Stress. (PEPworldwide)

PEPworldwide-USA, a partner in the global consortium that developed the 15-year-running White Collar Productivity Index (WPI)® was founded in 1984, and has served over 1.5 million people worldwide through their PEP® Programs.

Source: Bary Sherman, bary.sherman@PEPww.com, 760.731.1400
PEP Productivity Solutions, Inc.
Lynn Sherman