
Dealnews = news on deals. Each day, dealnews reports the best deals available on computers, technology, gadgets, and other items you want to buy. dealnews is updated with as many as 200 new bargains, coupons, and sales in a single day. Each deal we list is by definition the lowest price available on that item from a reputable merchant, period. If an item can be found for less elsewhere, we blew it, so please tell us! 

Dealnews’ audience is your every day tech geek. Not surprisingly, 90% of our readers are men, most age 18-45, with a passion for buying the sleekest, smartest, most wicked-cool gadget when it’s available dirt-cheap. If you are interested in advertising with us check here.

Dealnews investigates literally hundreds of deals each day. Every deal starts with a reader tip, submission from a merchant, or staff research. Once one of our writers gets a “lead,” he or she investigates it both objectively and subjectively:

Objectively: Is it valid? Is it the lowest price available for that item?

Subjectively: Is it a good price compared to similar items? Is it from a reputable seller? And would anyone want to buy one of these anyway.

If a deal passes these tests, it’s turned into “dealnews”.

Besides the deals themselves, what else is cool here?
Good question! Here’s a quick top 5:

We can send you an email alert so you don’t miss a deal. Our email alerts are very flexible, but remember: with great power comes great responsibility.
As we understand it, the dealmac forum is most popular Macintosh forum on the Web. That does make us wonder what the least popular Macintosh forum on the Web is. It’s not ours, though … we’re pretty darn sure of THAT.
See if dealcoupon has a web coupon before you buy anything from anywhere. You might only get free shipping or $5 off, but that’s still free shipping or $5 off.

Instead of buying expensive add-on RAM when you “build-to-order” your Mac or PC, use dealram. It’s our RAM price tracker that can find your RAM by the type of computer. Typically, you’ll save about 40% on ram by using dealram. We also have ink and digital camera price comparison sites.

We’ve got a good selection of RSS deal feeds. Pick a feed, stick it in your email client, My Yahoo, or even on your website, and get a steady broadcast of deals.

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Company History

Our first site was, started in 1997 by Daniel de Grandpre and Richard Moss, friends since middle school.’s mission was to collect the various Apple Macintosh bargains on the web into one central source. Dan managed the content while Richard managed the programming behind the web site. By creating convenience for Mac bargain hunters, the site became an instant hit. dealmac dropped the hyphen in 1998. 

In 1999, was born to list deals on PC hardware and software, DVD movies, TVs, and anything else that our core audience (techie geeks) would want. While we’ve since added more sites — dealcoupon, dealram, dealcam, and dealink — we’ve stayed true to our original mission: listing only the best offers from reputable merchants.