K.V. Easwaran Memorial Trophy of Cricket Eulogizes the Love of the Game at the TCSL Cricket Tournament and Cricket Beyond Boundaries Recreational League at Horsham PA

“He was an ardent fan of cricket.” Radhika recalls her fathers immense love for the sport. Growing up playing cricket in the bustling and lively streets of India is a cherished memory for many, along with K.V. The vibrant sport brought together students looking for more than their studies and now it continues, bringing together adults who are looking for more than their career. Anyone looking for a fun community to collaborate with and simply to try something new, can turn to cricket. - September 04, 2023

TCSL Tournament at Horsham Expands to Youth Cricket in Its Sixth Edition

TCSL Tournament at Horsham Expands to Youth Cricket in Its Sixth Edition

The event at Lukens Park each year has been known for a highly competitive amateur adult cricket tournament. Teams look forward to participation in the event and we see great spirit and competitiveness each year. This year, the tournament and its expansion to youth has been made possible by a generous contribution by Radhika Ramamurthi and the naming of the trophy as the K.V. Easwaran Memorial Trophy. - July 31, 2023

Family Oriented One Day Cricket Tournament at Horsham, PA, Adds Cricket Clinic for Youth

On September 17, 2022, at Lukens Park, 18 teams will compete for multiple prizes throughout the day. In addition to team members, their families and spectators make up a large part of the ambience. With the tournament in its fifth year, a youth clinic has been added this year. It is expected that the demand for cricket is growing and experiencing the sport is an important way to enjoy it. - August 12, 2022

Fifth Anniversary of the TCSL Cricket Tournament at Lukens Park, Horsham

Fifth Anniversary of the TCSL Cricket Tournament at Lukens Park, Horsham

The TCSL One Day Taped Ball cricket tournament is happening at Lukens Park in Horsham, PA on September 17, 2022. This year the tournament marks its fifth anniversary of bringing together players and fans from Montgomery County, Bucks County, West Chester and Philadelphia. - July 21, 2022

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