Medical Mutts Service Dogs Inc

Medical Mutts Service Dogs Inc
Medical Mutts Service Dogs Inc

Medical Mutts is a nonprofit organization 501(c)(3) dedicated to training rescue dogs as service dogs and promoting collaboration between dogs and people through science, education and ethical training.

Medical Mutts specializes in the training of high-quality Diabetic Alert Dogs, Seizure Dogs, and Psychiatric Service Dogs while providing a new lease on life to shelter dogs.

Medical Mutts supports and contributes to scientific advances in the service dog training field.

With a team of highly qualified and certified trainers, Medical Mutts offers different levels of services depending on each person's needs, from fully trained service dogs to training owner dogs as service dogs or teaching owners how to train their own dogs.

Private Company
# Employees

Company History

Medical Mutts Service Dogs Inc

Medical Mutts is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the training of high-quality Diabetic Alert Dogs, Seizure Alert Dogs, and Psychiatric Service Dogs while providing a new lease on life to shelter dogs.

Medical Mutts was founded by Jennifer Cattet Ph.D. and her husband Jack Topham in 2013.

With a team of highly qualified and certified trainers, Medical Mutts offers different levels of services depending on each person's needs, from fully trained service dogs to training owner dogs as service dogs or teaching owners how to train their own dogs.