GiantLands at EGG Con I - A Celebration of Gary Gygax with Penny Williams

Wonderfilled's GiantLands, an old school inspired roleplaying game, made with game making legends James M. Ward, Penny Williams, Gary Gygax Jr, Larry Elmore, and more, will be part of the inaugural EGG Con in Lake Geneva Wisconsin July 26-28 2024. As a Special Guest there, Penny Williams will be... - July 11, 2024

GiantLands® Creator, Professor Stephen E. Dinehart IV, to Unveil Secrets at Playable Theatre Live Action Game Symposium

GiantLands® Creator, Professor Stephen E. Dinehart IV, to Unveil Secrets at Playable Theatre Live Action Game Symposium

Join Wonderfilled at the Playable Theatre Live Action Game Symposium April 4 and 5, 2024 where GiantLands® creator Professor Stephen E. Dinehart IV reveals secrets behind the groundbreaking project. Explore the convergence of theatre and gaming in an immersive virtual experience. Tickets available now. - April 04, 2024

Wonderfilled Announces Death of Co-Creator James M. Ward

Wonderfilled announced with great sadness the passing of James M. Ward, co-creator of GiantLands, due to unexpected health circumstances. The entire Wonderfilled family extends condolences to his family and community. Stephen E. Dinehart IV, Founder and Chief Creative Officer, expressed deep sorrow for the loss of his mentor and collaborator, pledging to honor Ward's legacy with upcoming projects like "The Broken Road," James M. Ward's last post-apocalyptic adventure. - March 26, 2024

"GiantLands: The Broken Road" Adventure Module Premiering at Gary Con XIV

GiantLands, a new science fantasy world with a traditional table-top roleplaying game at its center, will be available for play at the Gary Con XIV, a gaming convention celebrating the life of Gary Gygax Snr. March 24-27, 2022 at the Grand Geneva Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. James M. Ward will be unveiling and running his "The Broken Road" adventure module for the first time. - February 07, 2022

GiantLands Theme Park Will be a Game Park Built on a Groundbreaking Vision

GiantLands Theme Park Will be a Game Park Built on a Groundbreaking Vision

Wonderfilled is bringing to life an entirely new kind of theme park experience. Called GiantLands, it will be an incredibly immersive gaming destination based on Wonderfilled’s game by the same name. GiantLands will be the first game park of its kind, based in Wisconsin. - January 01, 2022

Wonderfilled Now Shipping GiantLands

Wonderfilled today announced the GiantLands 1st Edition sold-out preorder began shipping worldwide over the Christmas holiday, first arriving on doorsteps in the USA Christmas Eve. - December 28, 2021

Wonderfilled Launches "GiantLands" Crowdfunding Campaign

Wonderfilled Launches "GiantLands" Crowdfunding Campaign

Wonderfilled Inc.’s CEO and Founder Stephen E. Dinehart launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for his project GiantLands with James M. Ward, E. Gary Gygax Jr., Larry Elmore and more, a table-top role playing game, with live events and a goal of making a theme, or game, park here in Wisconsin. The campaign is already over 3000% funded and ends on Friday the 13th. - December 05, 2019

Wonderfilled Announces "GiantLands" First Public Playtest

Wonderfilled Announces "GiantLands" First Public Playtest

This Halloween, Thursday Oct. 31, Madison Wisconsin-based Wonderfilled Inc.’s Game Designers Stephen E. Dinehart and James M. Ward will perform the first public playtest of their new mixed-reality, role-playing game and immersive game park, GiantLands. Playthrough will take place at Wisconsin’s Gamehole Con on Thursday, October 31 and explore the core game inside GiantLands’ original universe and future game park to an almost sold-out crowd. - October 29, 2019

Wonderfilled, Inc. Announces New Game Park for Wisconsin

Wonderfilled, Inc. Announces New Game Park for Wisconsin

Game Director, theme park designer and serial entrepreneur Stephen E. Dinehart will be kicking off his new project with game design legends James M. Ward and Kimber Eastland at Gen Con 2019, August 1st in Indianapolis. A live-action role playing game and live-action world based in an all original universe, called GiantLands™ to be released Spring of 2020. - July 18, 2019

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