Make Social Games with PlayGen

PlayGen, the leading social games development studio in London are pushing the boundaries of social games beyond the ordinary. PlayGen are creating the next generation platform for making social games. Social games companies like PlayGen are set to capture the $100B web market through innovation, talent and the consumers' desire to be better engaged.

London, United Kingdom, June 24, 2010 --( Social Games, like them or not they are here to stay and whilst a few of the major players are reaping the greatest rewards of moving early in this market, there is still plenty of scope for creating new and interesting games.

PlayGen's take on social games is to go far beyond Facebook. As a successful games and simulations company since 2001, PlayGen has worked with a cross section of sectors on subjects diverse and far reaching, and rather than focusing on technology, PlayGen focuses on Play.

Play is the perfect medium to engage, if done right, the rewards are far greater than any other means of participation. Social gaming companies such as PlayGen, have the capability to add play to the digital sphere, make social games interfaces that transform everyday online experiences and bring new layers of fun to the beloved web.

On is an overview of PlayGen's social gaming ideology, but it goes a lot deeper than that. Making social games is about intimately understanding the key aspects of social exchange and drawing on these to create reward, status, achievements, self expression and competition.

Whilst social media is about connections, relationships and being able to find and add other people, promote circles of connection and focus on publicizing relationships.

Social Games on the other hand take the building blocks of social media and add a whole new engaging dimension of competition, cooperation and group activities.

On are pointers to financial elements of social games, to monetize and how to monetize, finally it seems developers are one step closer to becoming the publisher, but its not easy.

PlayGen are a talented development team, combining creative and
technical capability with bags of innovation and the commitment to
produce outstanding social games.

PlayGen's HQ is in Shoreditch, London and PlayGen Coventry in the
Serious Games Institute.

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