Roboanimatronics: Branding 2.0

All mascots for large corporations create a brand and a memory hook that keeps their messages at the top of the viewers' mind. Animal "spokesthings", such as the Aflac duck, the Geico gecko, and the Exxon tiger, are firmly ingrained in consumers' minds. With the invention of the Internet and the advancement of the web 2.0 trend, similar branding for smaller companies is becoming more of a reality.

Roboanimatronics: Branding 2.0
Southwest Ranches, FL, June 22, 2007 --( All mascots for large corporations create a brand and a memory hook that keeps their messages at the top of the viewers' mind. Animal "spokesthings", such as the Aflac duck, the Geico gecko, and the Exxon tiger, are firmly ingrained in consumers' minds. Of course, large corporations have large budgets to capture these real and animated creatures on film. The costs for producing a ten-second clip of a running tiger can add up quickly. To start, you'll first need an experienced cinematographer who is not allergic to cats. Then add the two grips, five tiger handlers, travel expenses, food for the crew, licenses, and insurance coverage to the budget. Of course, then there is the tiger itself, preferably tamed with plenty of food in his belly – you don't want him to be hungry. At that point, the budget can be running into the $50,000 range, and that's for ten seconds of a tiger running. Animated characters can cost a small fortune as well – especially when they're fully integrated into commercials with audio and visual effects, music, and voice talent.

These company spokesthings do not have to be animated in order to leave a lasting image in a prospective customer's mind. When they are used in print for corporate and business branding, they have a tremendous impact and create an unbelievable memory hook with potential clients. Cimetta Design, a print and web design studio located in Southwest Ranches, FL, has broken through both the creativity and price barrier with “roboanimatronics.” Roboanimatronics are produced using Autodesk 3ds Max, creating various brand images and characters at a reasonable price. While animating these characters can be expensive, using them for print ads, brochures or a web site can have an incredible impact with little impact on the budget. They are built on a wire frame and can be posed in a assortment of positions, allowing for a huge variety of material to be created at a relatively low budget. With no shortage in supply of creativity and over six decades of experience, Cimetta Design not only can work with clients' ideas, they can also supply clients with unique, innovative ideas for promotion.

Their latest roboanimatronic was the “I-Thing”, created for I-Prints of Weston, a large format printing company. The I-Thing is being used on the company's stationery, business cards, web site and direct mail campaign. A cute, little robot-like character created in bright colors, he can be posed in a number of positions to illustrate the advertising message. Once the character grabs your attention, potential clients cannot help but read the whole message to satisfy their curiosity.

Living in an era of massive visual impact, we as consumers are constantly bombarded with visual images and messages via print, computers, television, clothing, and more. Almost everything carries some type of branding; in order to stand out from the pack, companies need to have something memorable to represent the face of your company. The characters that Cimetta Design invent do just that. See these things, and learn more about roboanimatronics for yourself at the company's website,

Cimetta Design
Kenneth Cimetta