, a New Job Site Just for Rednecks Launches Today, the first employment web site designed for “redneck workers,” has launched today. From office workers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and construction workers to municipal supervisors, construction foremen, and business owners, rednecks comprise a large segment of the American workforce.

Tampa, FL, October 02, 2007 --(, the first employment web site designed for “redneck workers,” has launched today. From office workers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and construction workers to municipal supervisors, construction foremen, and business owners, rednecks comprise a large segment of the American workforce.

“Before you laugh and think it’s a joke, think again,” suggests founder Art Fyvolent. “Employment in the “redneck-sector” has perhaps the single largest market share of any niche. Redneck jobs make up the bulk of small businesses throughout the South and Southwest.”

The Internet is filled with niche job posting sites for people with specific job skills or a specific geographic area to focus their employment search. Whether workers are tech-savvy, engineers, architects or Spanish speaking, just about every possible niche has at least one job website catering to that market.

Big national job boards charge hundreds and even thousands of dollars to employers for as little as one posting.

Redneck jobs, however, are traditionally lower paying, higher turnover jobs. Employers need a lower cost, more focused job system to find qualified workers. seeks to fill that void.

Using terms like “Find A Redneck,” calling employers “Redneck Bosses” and replacing traditional resumes with “Work Experiences,” seeks to speak the language, as well as deliver the performance, of a niche job site for rednecks.

For more information, visit

RedneckJobs, LLC
Art Fyvolent