An Ideal Omega-3 Sufficiency Index: The foundation for lowering high blood fats is DHA sufficiency. Blood fats in droplets are called triglycerides [1]. DHA is the most effective omega-3 for lowering high triglycerides [2]. DHA is also the most efficient omega-3 intake method. As a fat, DHA is the longest , most un-saturated, most abundant omega-3 in our body, eyes, heart, brain, liver and organs [1,2].
Source-Omega specializes in helping people achieve a successful omega-3 sufficiency index. We manufacture and distribute Pure One™ algae oil product for use with Dr Scott Doughman's Omega-3 DHA Therapy™.
Dr. Doughman is a highly qualified and respected omega-3 researcher, Nutritional Biochemist and Lipidologist.
"PURE ONE™ lowers the fats fast and effectively and is balanced to match your body's omega-3 needs!" - Dr. Doughman, Founder of Source-Omega™, Inventor of PURE ONE™ and developer of the OMEGA-3 DHA THERAPY™.
We provide the CURE for fish oil for the same omega-3s, providing instead an innovative next generation plant-based omega-3 with essentially all the benefits of fish oil, but derived from algae oil, the natural source of fish oil omega-3 in the first place.
Algae are the actual producers of the omega-3 in the fish food chain, now harnessed and cultured in self-contained facilities, for a product that supports a clinically proven therapy program that can lower high triglyceride levels up to 29%.
High blood fat levels are common in adults with weight gain and with low dietary omega-3 levels. High blood fat levels called high triglycerides is a risk factor screened for during the cholesterol test. High blood fat levels may lead to lipotoxicity, insulin resistance, and metabolic diseases.*
*Information and statements regarding this supplement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2007
- Industries
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
- Food & Beverage
- Food Manufacturing
- Grain & Oilseed Milling
- Health Care
- Health Care Products
- Manufacturing
- Pharmaceutical & Medicine Manufacturing
- Pharmaceuticals
- Starch & Vegetable Fats & Oils Manufacturing
- Vitamins, Nutritionals & Other Health-Related Products More
Company History

Historical Outline
Idea Conceived,
December 2006
Review Published,
March 2007
Pure One™ Conceived,
May 2007
Company Founded,
October 2007
www.Source-Omega.com (World) Website Launched,
March 2008
Pure One™ Product Pilot Launched,
April 2008
Pure One™ Wholesale Begins with Great Earth,
September 2008
Sponsorship Given to Filippo Porco,
January 2009
Patent Pending Application,
March 2009
Entered Top Online Vegan Stores,
April 2009
First Full Product Manufacturing Run,
July 2009
Product Endorsed by Iron-Doc™ Alex McDonald, MD,
August 2009
New Pure One™ Logo Created,
August 2009
New Source-Omega™ Logo Created,
September 2009
Pure One™ in first clinic TrueNorth Health,
November 2009
www.PureOne-DHA.com (World) Launched,
January 2010
First Medical Food Private Label Launched in South Africa,
Solal Technologies;
October 2010
Summary: 2011
CereNate™ created as an exclusive formulation and use strategy.
NEW: 2012
SOURCE OIL water extracted algae oil DHA is finished and distributed by Source-Omega.