Cryptocurrency News

Don't miss out on the latest news about cryptocurrencies. Discover new technologies and innovations in this decentralized landscape of finance, whether about Bitcoin or other protocols, such as Ethereum, Solana or Polkadot. Learn about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market, regarding public policy, DeFi, NFTs, exchanges and crypto wallets.

Venly Launches the Polygon NFT App on Shopify

Venly Launches the Polygon NFT App on Shopify

Merchants can offer digital assets in the form of NFTs on Shopify with little change to their current storefronts. - October 20, 2021 - Arkane Network

Freedom with NFTs Podcast Has Officially Launched on All Major Podcast Streaming Platforms as of October 1, 2021

Freedom with NFTs Podcast Has Officially Launched on All Major Podcast Streaming Platforms as of October 1, 2021

Freedom with NFTs has officially launched as of October 1, 2021 on all major podcast-streaming platforms. In each episode of Freedom with NFTs, Lauren Turton interviews NFT gurus who share their experiences, strategies, tools and tips so the Freedom with NFTs audience can dive even deeper into creating their own freedom with NFTs. New episodes drop every Wednesday at 5 AM EST. - October 15, 2021 - Lauren Turton

Doge Protocol, a Community-Driven Blockchain Project, Released Its Quantum Resistance Whitepaper

Doge Protocol, a Community-Driven Blockchain Project, Released Its Quantum Resistance Whitepaper

The whitepaper on Doge Protocol’s quantum resistance blockchain states the following: It highlights the fact that without a post-quantum cryptographic scheme, not only blockchains but also internet security protocols like TLS will be broken by quantum computers. This is because the... - October 13, 2021 - Doge Protocol

RightsLedger (RTKN) is Now on FMCPAY Exchange

RightsLedger (RTKN) is Now on FMCPAY Exchange

FMCPAY Exchange Token Listing News. - September 13, 2021 - RightsLedger

Crypto World Opens Its First Location in St. Louis Area

Crypto World Opens Its First Location in St. Louis Area

The 1st "Crypto World" Store in the USA opens in the Saint Louis, MO area with plans to open a store in every major city. - September 03, 2021 - Crypto World

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